DIY ...

... im Herbst.

Hier mein DIY für den Herbst, für unser Fenster. 

Einfach zu erstellen und fashionable, weil stricken wieder so in Mode ist.

 Der geformte Text liegt vor und muss nur noch mit ein paar Nadelstichen fixiert werden.

 Eine passende Kordel und dann kommt das Motiv an die Gardinenschiene.

An Autumn Thought

They're speeding on--the weary winter hours;
These are thy emblems, thou departing year:
The falling leaves, the fading of the flowers
Laid by fond Autumn on the Summer's bier.

Soon will the song of lingering birds be still,
The streamlets lose the music of their tone;
For hid with pallid brow behind the hill,
stern Winter waits to mount his glittering throne.

Well, let the flowers decay, the dead leaves fall;
Hushed be the birds, and stilled the streamlet's flow;
Let hoary Winter cast a blight o'er all,
And bind his withered brow with wreaths of snow.

We know that May will come, and glad rills play,
And flowers along their emerald borders bloom;
Though our next spring-time may lie far away
In some fair clime of light beyond the tomb. 

                                            Albert Laighton (1829-1887)

Wie so oft - weil ich es liebe - ein Gedicht. Diesmal von einem alten - eher weniger bekannten amerikanischen Autoren -


The world puts on its robes of glory now;
The very flowers are tinged with deeper dyes;
The waves are bluer, and the angels pitch
Their shining tents along the sunset skies.

The distant hills are crowned with purple mist;
The days are mellow, and the long, calm nights,
To wondering eyes like weird magicians show
The shifting splendors of the Northern Lights.

The generous earth spreads out her fruitful stores,
And all the fields are decked with ripened sheaves;
While in the woods, at Autumn's rustling step,
The maples blush through all their trembling leaves.

                                                                    Albert Laighton

Ich wünsche allen ein herbstlich schöne Woche mit Sonne und viel Spaß

